Please enjoy this selection of media content that we hope will help you
to understand yourself and your relationships better and learn to thrive.
(click on any image for more information)


It is our hope that these addiction-related resources will give you the help you need to break free from that which has controlled you for far too long.

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Alcohol (The 12-step "Big Book")
Just about everyone knows someone who has been adversely effected by alcoholism AND someone who has recovered with the help of Alcoholics Anonymous. The "Big Book" is the book that Alcoholics Anonymous is founded on and the book that has helped millions of alcoholics to find freedom from the grip of alcohol.

Use the following link for FREE access to The Big Book: (About 180 pages)
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Pornography (accountability software & free eBooks)
We have read many of the eBooks that Covenant Eyes has produced and they are the best books on the subject of pornography that we have seen! They are that good. Pornography does rewire your brain, and not in a good way. The books and resources available through Covenant Eyes will teach you how it happens and help you with ways to recover. We have recommended their resources to many people.

Use the following link for a FREE download of The Porn Circuit: (About 45 pages)
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Coming SOON!
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Coming SOON!


Please make use of these resources intended to help you with one of the most challenging jobs your will ever undertake — raising children.

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Pornography Prevention for Families (ebook)
Sexual predators are everywhere and there is no better place for them to sneak up on our children than online. Being preventative on this front can save years of heartache and confusion. Children are not yet mature enough to sort out what porn can do to them, but they are still vulnerable enough to be ensnared by it.

Use the following link for a FREE download of Protecting Your Family Online: (About 180 pages)
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UNFILTERED: Parent Workshop (DVD)
The porn industry spends billions of dollars trying to ensnare our children into pornography. How should parents arm themselves to deal with this onslaught? The UNFILTERED DVD workshop hold the answers.

Use the following link to find out more about UNFILTERED: (About 30 pages)
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When Your Child is Looking at Porn (ebook)
We have read many of the eBooks that Covenant Eyes has produced and they are the best books on the subject of pornography that we have seen! They are that good. Pornography does rewire your brain, and not in a good way. The books and resources available through Covenant Eyes will teach you how it happens and help you with ways to recover. We have recommended their resources to many people.

Use the following link for a FREE download of When Your Child is Looking at Porn: (About 30 pages)
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Coming SOON!


If you are married, you already know that marriage can be the most amazing experience in this life — or the hardest one. We hope these resources help to make it more rewarding.

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Five Love Languages (video)
Dr. Gary Chapman is an expert at understanding relationships AND helping others to do the same. Learning about the 5 Love Languages has changed many couples relationships for the better. This short video explains how it works. Then visit to take the free survey. (About 3 minutes)
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It's Not About the Nail (video)
This video is about understanding a man's need to fix things and a woman's need to simply be heard and affirmed. These two needs are often juxtaposed in a relationship in ways that cause immeasurable tension. This films creator, Jason Headley, brilliantly exposes this concept and allows us to laugh at our differences, which ultimately leads to greater acceptance and understanding. (About 2 minutes)
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Prepare/Enrich for Pre-Marital Counseling (video)
The Prepare/Enrich system allows our counselors an amazing head-start with your premarital counseling needs. Instead of taking months to get to know you to serve you best, an online survey helps our counselors to know you and your spouse and allows them to assist you in 12 areas of marital compatibility. We have been using this system for over 10 years now. We love it and every one of our clients who has used it loves it as well!
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SYMBIS Marriage Assessment
Les & Leslie Parrott present the world's most practical marriage assessment!
You can build your marriage on more than a hope and a prayer. The SYMBIS and SYMBIS+ Assessments gives you a personalized road map to making your marriage everything it was meant to be. Instead of taking months to get to know you to serve you best, an online survey helps our counselors to know you and your spouse and allows them to assist you in 12 areas of marital compatibility. We have been using this system for over 10 years now. We love it and every one of our clients who has used it loves it as well!
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The Marriage God Intended (audio)
This is an audio recording of a seminar that Brad & Tami Miller taught at the Spring Marriage Retreat at Hume Lake Conference Center. They cover 3 topics (love, intimacy, and communication) from a wife's point of view and and also from a husband's point of view. They have received many positive comments on their unique teaching style that captures the attention of both men and women. This has helped men to better understand their wives and wives to better understand their husbands.
Mission accomplished! Enjoy. (About 60 minutes)

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