It is very rare that something happens with our website to bring you to this error page. You may be trying to access the profile page of former staff or maybe something is simply broken. Since you are here, we want you to know that you are important and loved. Maybe that’s why you ended up here. ☺️ You are, in fact, the very reason that we do what we do.
Please use the blue menu above (top-left corner) to find our current staff as well as the most often accessed pages on our website or use any of the buttons below to get you back on track. There are also many useful links in the footer below.
When you trust Restoration Counseling Service with your contact information, we take that trust very seriously. We will only use your personal information to contact you. We will never sell your information to other parties since that would undermine any trust we desire for you to have in us. See more on our Privacy Policy page.